
Soccer (or Football) is the one sport that can truly be considered “The World’s Game”. Where you can travel to every single nation on our planet, and you will find someone with a Football Shirt, kicking a ball around, or able to start a conversation about the local teams, big european teams, and the game as a whole.

Within this, you have so many different stories, perspectives, history, and opinions which make up Football. Some for the better, some for the worse, and many which have shaped the game into what it is now.

Soccerstan is a collection of writers from all over the world, coming from different footballing backgrounds, who have come together to write and tell the stories of Football. From opinions, to researched articles, to first hand stories that they had with their own eyes and through their own two feet. Together, they want to create a worldly perspective to the Beautiful Game through their own experiences, to further tell the story of the sport that we all love.

Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope that you enjoy it!


The Writers of Soccerstan